
Thursday 11 December 2014

First Post

Hey, just attempting this to see if I can make something interesting here.

I'm playing largely on Xbox 360 so for the most part, images of the games I play will be taken from other parts of the interwebs. A lot of the content will be verbal critique, particularly through the feminist lens, but hopefully on games where we are given a bit more choice I can walk through my experience of playing as an anarchist character to the best of my abilities.

I am expecting most games not to really allow me the full anarchist communist intersectional feminist vegan experience, but I really want to give games kudos where they make efforts not just so that we can play as ourselves, but where they offer a variety of different options or with a wide spectrum of ways to advance, rather than the false dichotomy of good and bad, this faction or that faction that are much the same, or two options which come across as 'as bad as each other' with no room for fence sitting or picking options outside of the box.

I've looked at various Reddits before of people trying to play games 'as a pacifist' and such on Skyrim and Fallout 3, but it was the options afforded to me on New Vegas that made me think I might get somewhere close to being a character I can really relate to. That will be my first project. The majority of my games are open world style, or at least involve multiple choice stories, as these tend to have the most developed route options, and often give more options for character creation, therefore usually leading the way with progressive characterisation of racial, gender and sexual minorities and female characters. Hopefully I will be looking at some point and click and visual novel style games too. 

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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