

Hi there!

This blog is basically me exploring games from an Anarcha-Communitic angle. I will be critiquing from intersectional feminist angles on themes, representation and lack of it, as well as class analysis and looking at portrayal of rebellion and revolution in games. It is quite common for games to explore themes of revolt and bringing down various governments and rulers. More and more games are now also giving the players choices, rather than just having them play out a particular story. How are the companies doing at offering options outside of the typical political spectrum? Is it really possible t play these games with integrity? Are they just looking to reinstate the view that the status quo is the best option? or that there is a "true leader" out there? Or that really both sides have their plus and minus and it's not worth fighting over? Or are some games offering more?

I will be largely writing about games for Xbox 360, or games I can play directly online without too much bandwidth issue. Mostly I am interested in games which offer the player to play their own way and make their own story, as I doubt many games with one route will lead me into anarchist territory. This can be, but is not limited to, MMORPG, Open world RPG, point and click, and visual novel. The games I review will not be new games. I will take time over each game, writing multiple posts on each. I tend to buy games late, and play them for ages before abandoning it to start a new one. As such I tend to have a pile of games I "haven't got around to playing yet".

My writing style tends to be all over the place, from fairly mechanical to humorous and sarcastic. I will try my best to use resources where necessary, rather than just saying "what I think". I say this because even though I have an analytical way of thinking, I'm not a particularly academic type and I'm not great at applying myself. I have ADD and struggle to focus and plan, so I'm largely writing large blobs of speech as they pop into my head. Hopefully this is actually entertaining and worthwhile to some people rather than annoying.

Some buzzwords and issues I am looking to find in games are:

Anarchism, Communism, Communal Living, Libertarianism and Independence, Environmentalism and Sustainability, Humanity's view of the world as resources, Animal Rights, Veganism, Racism and Orientalism by game creators, In-game Racism and Orientalism (including of fictional races), Fascism and Militarism, Misogynistic Characters, Sexism and Objectification, Sex, Sex Work, Sexual Abuse and Rape, Domestic Abuse and Violence, Warfare, Statism, Political Factions and Democracy, Images of Class struggle, Focus on stories of ordinary people, Representation of (where human) People of Colour, Women, LGBTQ, esp Trans, Disability, Religious and Atheistic sects, and Focus on the Working Class over the Ruling Class/Bourgeoise. Resistance, Revolt and Revolution, Leadership and Lack of, and a bunch of other stuff!